Monday, February 28, 2011
Ya know I believe I have spent to much time trying to get this thing "off the ground" so to speak that there hasn't been a lot of journaling going on.
I have a had a lot of things to think about to good some not so good. I guess it's kinda "the good the bad and the ugly.
I think I'll just keep most of the yuck to myself and hope that what "they" say is true. . . it'll all come out in the wash.
Ok! since it's technically Mon. Feb. 28, 2011, I will start my new job that I am very excited for tomorrow!. I also must kick it up a notch and start studying for the ncct test. To get certified. MA was good enough for me, but I guess CMA well. . . we'll see.
I've been waiting for Tracie to show her Sweet face since 11:00 p.m. she said she was going to get gas. I would have the police already looking except that she does this all the time. UGH! We will be renegotiating her contract!